In addition, our organization has worked with the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (M.C.D.), Delhi Government to work on ‘Tree Plantation Awareness’ on 2017-2018.  As per latest our NGO, Green cover of Delhi has increased to about 10, 000 plantation in the year or 2017-2018. After having achieved unprecedented success in increasing the green cover, efforts have been sustained to plant more and more trees on vacant lands through active involvement of greening agencies and community participation. This also includes free distribution of saplings to schools, RWAs, and other citizen groups.

The Rachna planted 10,000 trees as part of a two years long greenery campaign with collaboration of M.C.D.  The inaugural plantation programme of this drived in 2016 at the MCD areas where 1700 sapled planted by the senior officers of MCD and employees of Rachna. The major highlights of this campaign are:

  • A total of 10,000 saplings planted during the campaign from 2017-2018.
  • In a bid to encourage the practice of plantation among the public, RACHNA distributed free saplings to the public from 60 Metro stations across the city. (Complete station list given below).
  • The main varieties of trees and shrubs which planted are Amaltas, Gulmohar, Neem, Sheesam, Bottle brush, Calendra Kaner, Chandni etc. Apart from this the various varieties of trees planted are of angiosperm category i.e. some flowering, some fruit bearing and some ornamental like pomegranate, guava, mulberry, hibiscus, rosa sinensis, rose, raat ki rani, moonlight, bougainvillea and  Sycamore etc.
  • This campaign is a part of the “Till a Million Tree” plantation drive of the Government of Delhi in which all the government agencies are participating in a bid to plant a million more trees in the national capital.

Parks and gardens in Delhi are being maintained and developed through Delhi Parks and Garden Society (DPGS), an autonomous body under MCD, Government of Delhi. Apart from this he Tree Plantation Drive has mobilized thousands associated with it, into a community of passionate tree planters and lovers who work towards preventing loss of green cover and promotion for a forestation. Climate change and global warming are not abstract concepts anymore; time for waiting and watching is over. Tree Plantation drive serves as climate change mitigation movement and works to improve the tree canopy of our neighbourhood and state.

Every year during the monsoon, the Rachna distributes free saplings through various outlets since 2016. This has resulted in wholesome participation of all the residents, schoolchildren and citizens of Delhi. This has reflected in the increase in green cover of Delhi. This year the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi is launching “Plant a Tree This Monsoon Till a Million Tree” campaign starting from 23rd July, 2016. This is to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of New Delhi as a capital city and also to mark the International year of Forests. The objective is to strive, to achieve the national target of 33% of green cover in the city. The Govt. of Delhi has made elaborate arrangements for the procurement, distribution and planting of trees.