Domestic Workers Area Skills Council (DW SSC) is a big slum in the Wazirpur Industrial Area Sector. There are living many people who are belonging to different caste group.  Under this project, we have provided training approximately 400 people. About 225 people have also been given certificates from the government. And those who have been given the certificate have been given job placement by RACHNA Women’s Development Association. Today they have been working as a good skilled craftsman in different companies. Under this scheme, we have given training in two trades.

  1. General Housekeeper
  2. Housekeeper Com Cook


  1. General Housekeeper: In the General House Keeper, the domestic worker is trained to clean the house, clean and maintain the house appliances, etc. After the training, they have to pass the exam and those who pass the exam receive a certificate from the government. After getting a certificate, we provide job placement. Today they have been working in various companies with a good pay scale.
  2. Housekeeper Com Cook: We have been working in Wazirpur Industrial area last for 5 years. Mostly people have been working in Houses and Hotels. By conducting such surveys we also provided training them and after the training, we conducted exams. Those who have passed the exams, we also provide certificate by the Government of India as well as we also employ job placement. Today, after getting this certificate trend people have been working with good salary package. Now, their self-confidence, work experience is also increasing. 175 out of 200 students have passed the examination and those who pass an examination give them certificates from the government. We make placements in different hotels and houses for them. Today they have been working very happily and working as a good skill.